When this Beloved Habib Muhammadﷺ was born, his first physical movement was Sajdah to his Creator and then uttered his first words,
*"O Allahﷻ! Spare me my Ummah."*
When he physically departed from this world and was lowered in his Rowdah (grave), his sacred lips were moving. A Sahabi moved his ear close to his blessed lips and amazingly heard the Habib Muhammadﷺ saying *"My Ummah , My Ummah"*
* It is said that the Sahaba who bent to hear the last words was Muhammadﷺ's cousin, Sayyiduna Quthman bin 'Abbas Radialahu Anhu, brother of Sayyiduna 'Abdullah Ibn Abbas Radialahu Anhu. After the physical departure of Muhammadﷺ , Sayyiduna Quthman Radialahu Anhu ventured out around the world like other Sahaba to spread Deen. He went as far as Russia and finally passed away in Tashkant and was buried there.
★ Recorded by Shaykh e Muhaqqiq Imam 'Abd Al-Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi Radialahu Anhu in his 'Madarij Al Nubawwah (2:568) ★
*فداك ابي وامي وروحي يا رسول الله 💔*