Friday, March 30, 2012

Islamic SmS Collection

Islamic SmS Collection :

The beautiful word is ALLAH,
The beautiful word is ALLAH,
Most beautiful song is AZAN,
Best exercise is NAMAZ, 
World perfect book is QURAN,
And You are so lucky if YOU are a MUSALMAN


Then as to those who
disbelieve I will chastise them
with severe chastisement
in this world and the
hereafter and they
shall have no helpers ."

< Al- Qura'an >


"Faith has four pillars:
and struggle."

By Imam Ali (a.s)


To All Those Suffering From Sadness Or Depression,
Know That It Isn’t Your Fault.
It Isn’t Because You’re Weak.
It Isn’t Because You’re Just Not Grateful Enough.
It Isn’t Because You’re Just Not Religious Enough.
It Isn’t Because You Don’t Have Enough Faith.
It Isn’t Because ALLAH Is Angry With You.
To All The Well-Meaning People Who Tell You This, Just Smile.
And Know Deep In Your Heart That The Tests Of ALLAH Come In
Different Forms To Different People.
And Know That, By The Help Of ALLAH, Every Test Can Become
A Tool To Get Closer To Him.
And That, Verily, With Hardship Come Ease - And Like All Things
Of This World - This Too Shall Pass.


Allah Says:-

Try to Walk on My Way,
Ill Make all the Ways Easy for you.

Try to Spend your Wealth in My Way,
I ll Open Oceans of Treasure for you.

Try to Leave your Wills for Me,
I ll Make your Desired Destiny for you.

Try to Bear Pain on My Way,
I ll Open the Doors of My Care for you.

Try to Believe in Me,
I ll Make Sincere Friends for you.

Try to Be Mine,
I ll Make Everyone for you !‚

Best Beauty Tips
1.Lips ku-salavathu
2.Voice ku-quran odhudhal
3.Eyes ku-Haya(vetkam)
4.Face ku-olu
5.Hands ku-jakkathu
6.Heart ku-ALLAHvin bayam forward 2 all muslim .
 Day of judgement in
6 lines..
When there is only a single star left in the sky.
At that very moment the path of forgiveness will close. 
The writing in the Quran will vanish. The sun will lower itself with the earth. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said, '' Who ever delivers this news to someone else, I will on the day of judgement make for him a place in Jannat.''
Please pass this to every muslim you know. . .

AssalamualaikumProphet(SAW) Said,
"When a Person Tells a Lie,
The Bad Smell That Comes Out Of The Lie Keeps The Angels One Mile Away."

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